Saturday, December 22, 2018
Shougo's Super Sentai Ranking!
Well, I've finally gotten around to doing it -- ranking each Super Sentai series. I've done this a couple of times before when it came up at HJU, and felt like it was a bit of a fool's errand. There's just too many shows, I felt like you couldn't honestly rank some of those in-between entries that you might feel indifferent towards. But I actually feel really pretty certain about my list this time around, and happy where I've ranked things. Traditionally, lists like this go from worst to best, but if you're here at this blog, I suspect you'll know my top favorites, and that won't be a surprise. But what Sentai does Shougo like least? That might be a surprise! So, here goes...
1. Dengeki Sentai Changeman
It's kinda sad. After the Changeman 30th thing I did, it's been hard for me to write anything more about Changeman. I need to recharge after that. If you followed that endeavor at all, you'll know why I love Changeman. If you know me at all, you'll know why I love Changeman. And if you don't know -- welcome to the fandom, n00b! I'm Shougo B'Stard.
Here's what I wrote to wrap up the Changeman 30th endeavor. It's what I consider my near-ultimate love letter to the show.
2. Chojuu Sentai Liveman
I've gotten some feedback regarding my posts on Liveman, with people wondering how I could like a show that I criticized so much. (Same with Kamen Rider Black, which I DO love.) Liveman is flawed, and it chickens out, but I still love the show, what it does, what it stands for. I think the premise and set-up is so strong and that the show is meaningful, it *says* something. Liveman used to be my top favorite Sentai show, but the last couple of times I made this list, it came in at 4. There's two things recently that made me have a bit of an epiphany in how much I like Liveman and can forgive some of its flaws, coming to realize that Liveman ranks higher for me...
One was my posts about Time Force. I wrote about its sappy, chicken-shit final episodes, and ended up saying something like "It sucks, it doesn't work, but I can see what they were going for and choose to look at it that way." So, if I'm willing to cut a g'damn Power Rangers show such slack, then why not one of my top favorite tokus? Sure, I hold Super Sentai to a higher standard than Power Rangers, and I hold Liveman to a higher standard than most tokus, but...Liveman does a lot right.
The second thing was, there was a topic on Twitter asking for your five favorite toku shows. I didn't Tweet my picks, but my answer was instantly Changeman, Agito, Liveman, Flashman, Black. (I was going to choose Spielban over Flashman, but at the end of the day, would probably prefer to watch Flashman over Spielban.) And I was like "I rank Maskman as my second favorite Super Sentai, but I immediately went for Liveman rather than it. Huh." I love Maskman, I'll get to that in a second, but, for all of its flaws and where it went wrong, I just love Liveman's grounded, dour, contemplative, tragic, dark and serious style, and it meshes with a lot of my sensibilities. Liveman's first three episodes alone just blow me away, and I think are unlike anything a Sentai has done before or since. (I actually like to lump episode 8 with those three, making a really great little Sentai mini movie.)
Amazing set-up to this show; I like how it wants to be more grounded, I like how it explores the themes of betrayal, the dark side of ambition, the egotistical intellectuals who use their knowledge for their own gain versus the good side who use their knowledge to save people, for the betterment of everyone. And, of course, the central theme, the almost spiritual concept of the value of life. (The show is the rare Japanese show that champions living and enjoying your life over constant working or studies.) Great heroes, great villains, heavy, emotional, with a message -- again, it *says* something. It wears its heart on its sleeve at times, but I think it swings for the fences and goes further with a similarly sorta philosophical style as Metalder did, and I'll argue that Liveman is stronger than fan-favorite, over-praised Metalder. Nobody will let Liveman off the hook for, say, the dinosaur episodes, but overly serious episodes about robots who want to play violin will get a pass. Metalder's ruminations for mostly all-robot characters can get a little dull and uninvolving, IMO; Liveman made cases for just about everything.
But then something happens to the show... While The Other Two joining the team certainly don't help matters -- even if the idea behind them held so much potential -- Liveman starts dipping in quality in the second half in ways that CAN'T just be blamed completely on The Other Two and the way they throw off the cast's chemistry. I don't know for certain if there was a demand by higher-ups, but the show seems to get softer for most of the later half. (Which happens to all of Toei's shows in the late '80s, if you look at them.) The story potential becomes limited. The heated relationship between the heroes and villains loses intensity. It gets a little too wrapped up in speechifying at the cost of what makes more narrative sense.
Most obvious of all, the show just flat out runs out of money. Liveman never looked like it had the biggest budget -- Japanese fans blame Kamen Rider Black for taking all of Toei's money and focus in '88, but I think it's probably the casting of top pop stars Daisuke Shima and Megumi Mori -- but it looks like it has zero budget in its second half. It's striking how little Liveman films in any actual locations -- nearly EVERYWHERE is a freakin' (cheaply constructed) set or just outdoors in the boonies.
Liveman has a great premise, a strong beginning, but wavers in its second half. Whenever I rewatch the series, it's always heartbreaking to see the show change and lose its narrative courage. There's still some damn good episodes later on. I think I'd probably find it easier to overlook the flawed second half if it had better final episodes. I'd go a *little* easier on other areas of the second half I dislike. The Other Two is a problem, the ever-lowering budget is a problem, but the punch-pulling softness that leads to the underwhelming way the villains are ultimately dealt with and in which the series wraps up eclipses most other shortcomings. If they had delivered a final arc as strong as the first three episodes, one that truly fit the tone of the show, it would be easier to overlook some of the other issues and flaws that popped up all too often in the second half.
As is, I...I've started to just kind of write my own version of the show's ending arc and go with that. Delusional? Hey, it worked for Nobuo Akagi.
3. Hikari Sentai Maskman
Maskman's a show I appreciated more and more over the years. I just like the grounded approach it takes and how it goes about building the world of Tube. It gives you enough information, while leaving something to the imagination.
The heroes are all fun and likable and believable as regular folks and close friends. The villains are all interesting, and you can sense their shared history. I like the Shakespearean, personal overall story with the star-crossed, separated lovers and how their romance impacts the surrounding characters. I like the light versus darkness theme, the almost Gothic feel the world of Tube has. The production did a good job of bringing that underground world to life. (I still love the way you get a peak at what looks like a red sky outside of Tube's windows. What is that? A magma atmosphere? Whatever it is, it looks cool!) I also like the '80sness of the show, its style and soundtrack.
It's just a strong, consistent, nuanced and entertaining show that I think constantly delivers. There's not really an episode of this show I hate. And it's probably the Sentai team I'd want to be on, and the Sentai show I'd want to be in. (It's also the only toku show I can remember having any dreams about. At least twice I was Blue Mask. That kinda sucked. It's my dream, why wasn't I Red?!)
4. Choshinsei Flashman
For a while, Flashman was really close to Changeman for me. Flashman was my favorite as a kid. Flashman's a really solid show that I think hits a mark of quality and maintains it. The premise is amazing and original and tragic, the characters (especially the villains) are all so memorable. The show's a well-oiled machine, with chunks of multi-parters and a strong continuity. The fact that it was my favorite as a kid, that nearly all of my Flashman tapes had survived over the years, I just feel more of a familiarity with this show that kind of keeps me from being as enthusiastic about it as I once was, and as I should still be.
As strange as it sounds, I think Flashman might be TOO well-oiled of a machine. It's not like I like forgettable, standalone -- dare I say filler-y -- malarkey, but I find there's times when a show can be too serialized, and it can make it easier to become too familiar with it. Instead of, say, 50 episodes with a lot of variety, a serialized 50-episode show can feel half that length, and you'll be like "Ugh! Not the 5-parter with Ley Baraki!" It would be dismissed by modern viewers as "filler," but the one stand-alone episode with Miran is better than the Baraki episodes. Done-in-ones can be powerful and meaningful.
5. Gekisou Sentai Carranger
Carranger, for a LONG time, had a terrible reputation. Everybody thought it was stupid. Me and a few of the cool kids realized its value. A witty comedy, a sometimes take-down of the genre and pop-culture, perfectly cast, extremely creative. I love the characters and its unique world and voice. Being curious about bosozoku culture, I love the Bowzock and think they're hilarious, yet somehow retain some cruelty and therefore threat. (I think the Bowzock are actually my favorite part of the show.)
Anyway, I'm one of those assholes who likes a band before they're super popular, and thinks it sucks when the dorky masses get into them. That's Carranger. It was the cool thing to like, now everyone likes it, so it's less cool.
The worst part is when you get the feeling that people like it because they think it's dorky, not really getting the humor of the show, thinking it's unintentionally bad or has contempt for the franchise or something. Carranger's not coming from a place of hatred. Another sucky scenario is when there's someone who hates the genre and themself for liking it, so they feel like something like Carranger or Akibaranger is the only thing they can let themselves like since they see it as trashing the stuff they're embarrassed to like.
6. Kousoku Sentai Turboranger
Unfairly maligned. I've always loved this show, I took an instant liking to it, so it always confused me when I'd get on the internet and see people call it the worst or whatever.
It was main writer Hirohisa Soda's eighth consecutive show AND it had to fight its way up from the low budget grime Liveman left it in. Soda stumbles a bit in the way he handles the early set of villains, but I don't think it's one of his worst works, as people often label it. Soda's always favored scientific themes, but here he's trying to work in some fantasy and mystical components. I like Turboranger's minimal approach to bringing in those genres, rather than going insane with them the way, say, Zyuranger does, where the fantasy is just an excuse for the writers to be lazy and get away with whatever nuttiness they want to.
Turboranger has a lot of Soda's usual concepts and ingredients, but I feel like he accomplishes them in different enough ways to not feel stale. (Which can't be said about Fiveman.) The show really hits its stride once Yamimaru and Kirika join the cast, and it begins to focus on the topics of growing up, finding yourself, your place, and trying to be your own person.
7. Chojin Sentai Jetman
For the record, when I first saw Jetman, I LOVED it. It was only as I got older and saw more Sentai that I became...I'll say "disillusioned" with it. So, for a lot of the past several years, I've kind of gone back and forth about this show. I've had my issues with it, I've gone over those enough times. But there's so much of this show and Inoue's style that matches my own sensibilities. With a few tweaks, it could have been seriously amazing, and probably kept an even higher ranking for me.
I enjoyed the show more on my last rewatch, trying to let go of the hang-ups I have. I feel like I grew kind of numb to what made Jetman Jetman, so I tried to be more forgiving and more observant on my last rewatch. (The sad, sad state the franchise has been in for the past several years also helps make Jetman's minor-blunders-in-comparison seem ignorable.) While I still don't love it as much as I used to, there's still so much I like about the show, its set-up, its seriousness, its depiction of the first truly dysfunctional team. And it's the end of an era, since Sentai starts to get away from the military set-up and gets really wacky under Sugimura, before then becoming limited in what it can do because of Power Rangers needing to slice and dice it.
8. Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger
The early '00s were a dark time for me as a Sentai fan. Despite liking GoGoFive, I was kinda not into toku so much in 2000 or 2001. I didn't like Timeranger, it took time for me to give Gaoranger a shot, I hated Hurricaneger. I've never thought dinosaurs were cool, and I hated the other dinosaur Sentai, so I didn't expect much from Abaranger...
But I kept an open mind since, by '03, I had just played catch up and gotten through Kuuga, which at the time I thought was awesome. And I knew Kuuga's main writer was main writer of Abaranger, and while Abaranger initially seems likes it's far more lighthearted and comedic than Kuuga ever was, it didn't take long to realize Abaranger had more going for it than first appearance. And at first glance, it's not even that it's just comedic, but it features some *really* quirky, off-the-wall stuff. It's hard to believe now, in a post-Den-O world, but at the time Abaranger was seen as being really wacky and out of its mind.
So it wasn't as serious as Kuuga, but Abaranger thankfully had good, game performers who made it all work. But for comedic as it was, it still had a strong dramatic foundation, and a real genuine sense of heart that made it easier to put up with some of its weirder scenarios. (Teaming up with a fishing cartoon? Whaaaaaa?) There's quite a few things about Abaranger that shouldn't work or that I'd ordinarily find bothersome -- like talking dinosaurs or the Dino Guts concept for example -- but through the strength of the performers, writing and dedication at creating such a unique world, you just buy it, don't question it and it does work. I always thought Abaranger was more in the spirit of a mid-to-late '90s Sentai. I can easily picture this show as being a follow-up to Carranger or Megaranger.
Abaranger was just a pleasant surprise to me, I was just so into the show, it had me hooked, it had built its own offbeat world and setting. It was a show that I found legitimately funny. It's kinda the last show where I felt like the heroes were adults. It was a show that I instantly missed when it was over and made me want more from it; like, I was REALLY depending on Dekaranger VS Abaranger to be something, since it was going to be our last visit with the Abaranger characters. (That movie is a massive letdown.) How much did I love Abaranger? Well, despite not being a fan of Power Rangers, I'll usually check out the latest show's first episode to see what they've done with the Sentai. I didn't check out Dino Thunder, I couldn't see what was done with Abaranger. All I've seen of Dino Thunder is a clip of Tommy's first morph and the Lost and Found in Translation episode. Still...I just didn't want to see what they did to Abaranger. It hurt too much. I had a similar reaction when I first saw an ad for VR Troopers. Like "No! Don't ruin Spielban!"
I'm just really fond of Abaranger and the time it was on.
9. Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive
GoGoFive is a grand disaster movie with superheroes. I love the heroes, I love how realistically they tried to convey the idea of the GoGoFive being an extension of their everyday jobs, and how the technology worked. Kuuga took the realistic approach even further, but I feel like it was something GoGoFive first approached and doesn't get the recognition or credit it deserves for doing so.
A great cast of heroes, some creepy and diabolical villains (who would have been even better if they were played by actors) -- I like how it's the rare toku family that actually seems like a family, and the contrast between the do-gooder hero family and the hellspawn villain family. There's great suit work, an amazing soundtrack; it's a packed, entertaining, ambitious ride.
That's another thing -- the show was pretty ambitious for being a show airing on the weekend at 7:30. It does a great job creating high-stakes disaster scenes with its small budget. Nowadays it would all either be off-screen or done completely CGI, which is shit. GoGoFive has some great miniature work. Damn underrated show. It's a show that I'll get in the mood to watch a couple of episodes, and then a couple turns into several and then several turns into a full rewatch...
Whenever I'm trying to make lists like this, I'll always feel like GoGoFive deserves a higher ranking, but what keeps it from moving, for me, is the lackluster-seeming final episodes. The constant villain revivals, it just takes away from the heroes' victories, it takes away from the ways those foes were initially defeated, and it's just lazy. It's dull, it takes away urgency.
10. Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
When I first saw Kakuranger in the '90s, I rolled my eyes. A ninja Sentai should have been cool, and it was so silly, on both the hero and villain side. Not even just silly, but cartoonishly silly, complete with the '60s Batman-style POW! BAM! BOOM! graphics. But once I saw more of the show, found out more about Japan's youkai, I started to see where I had misjudged it. It was making a statement on the then-current generation and the old. It was saying something about the place youkai stories have in the world.
It was saying that a lot of the ninja lore is so extreme in its over-the-topness that, hey, here are ninjas that can basically do anything, no matter how absurd. You want to believe Jiraiya rode frogs in real life? Why stop there, how about ninjas that can turn themselves into hamburgers? Yeah! Pop-culture has long presented ninjas who were basically magicians, so here's Kakuranger to take the piss out of them by having them do just about anything.
While I really enjoy Kakuranger, I always had a problem with the final dozen episodes. I think it kind of sputters and they throw in a few too many random, unessential episodes at the end. It didn't need to be 53 episodes. (And the budget agrees with me on that one.)
11. Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
It's a mostly episodic series, and it shows only traces of the heights Soda would take the franchise to, but I just have such a fun damn time when I watch this show. There's enough interesting characters, situations and action scenes to make the more episodic or routine episodes worthwhile. While I can look at something like Bioman or Dairanger and recognize it as a better constructed show, I just find Dynaman so entertaining and enjoyable that, for me, it beats 'em.
12. JAKQ Dengeki Tai
A show that's really climbed the list for me. I always liked the earlier episodes and was disheartened when they tinkered around with it to lighten up. Having seen the show a couple more times, I don't mind the changes so much. I've come to like Banba a lot, and while I feel they tried too hard in those later episodes to make the show more Goranger-y, I enjoy JAKQ's characters and setting more than I do Goranger.
13. Battle Fever J
A product of its time, but another show that I think is fun, full of life and color and lets your imagination fill in some of the details. I think the villains are interesting and creepy -- so, they don't always have the greatest plans -- and I think the heroes are all a fun, likable bunch. The show is sometimes weird in the way it will focus on one hero, with the others barely ever appearing, but I guess that was the show playing around with the format. Osamu Kaneda's reusing so many action scenes is a letdown, but for the most part, the show has cool, fast-paced, crazy action.
I always describe it as Goranger done right. Having just rewatched Goranger -- separated in half with a viewing of Battle Fever J -- I stick by that. It was a bit of a bummer getting back to Goranger after watching all of Battle Fever again.
14. Chodenshi Bioman
One that's hard to rank for me. I think it's a good show, with a lot of solid episodes, an interesting main villain and pretty much mostly serious villain plans. The heroes are mostly great, just likable and really heroic and all business. I really want to place it higher on my least, but here's my problem with the show...
Changeman was my first Sentai. Bioman went on to have morning reruns in '85, so I saw it after Changeman. Even as a kid I recognized Bioman as being older than Changeman, which I felt made it inferior. It seemed to me like a knock-off, like it wanted to be Changeman, but didn't get right what Changeman did. For as much as I like the show now, I think there's still some buried residue of my feelings as a kid that keeps me from being like "Bioman, fuck, yeah!"
15. Denshi Sentai Denjiman
Denjiman's a fun show, and I like it A LOT. I like the way the team functions, I think the bad guys have a good group of actors -- I don't usually like the underling-types of women spies that Uehara's so fond of putting in his shows, but the actresses here are good enough to make them memorable. When I watch Denjiman, it's interesting to see how it set a lot of standards; Denjiman's DNA is in a lot of subsequent Sentai shows. Goranger, JAKQ and Battle Fever J are all still finding their footing, and Denjiman feels more like THE FIRST Sentai series to me. It's crazy to me that it isn't held in higher regard, especially by the Japanese fans. It's a good show, setting the stage for so many others. And I think a lot of that is due to Denjiman being the first show where being the hero ISN'T their job; they're ordinary citizens thrown together, and the show highlights the different things each member brings to the table, and their differences. That's all something subsequent Sentai shows carry on.
My big gripe with Denjiman is that I would have liked for it to have a stronger overall arc of some kind. I know that's just not how TV was done at the time -- and you can't really expect that from the [s]second[/s] fourth Sentai series -- but I just feel like Bioman takes Denjiman concepts and goes further with them. Like, when I rewatched Denjiman, and they were talking about the people who were descendants of the Denji aliens who the Denji Princess left behind back in the day, I thought an easy arc would have been if a Vader member -- most likely Banriki -- had an Agito-esque motive of wanting to track down and eliminate people who had Denji DNA. And then I thought, well, that's basically Bio Hunter Silver. And Dr. Man's a more interesting character than any of the Denji villains. And even if it came late in the show, the story with Gou's dad is stronger than anything the Denjiman heroes are given. And there's losing Yellow Four and the new one joining, so...Bioman just edges out Denjiman for me.
But the show's so damn entertaining, and I think an important entry of the franchise, and even without an overall arc, I probably WOULD still rank Denjiman higher...if Red and Pink were stronger characters/actors. They're OK enough, but I like the remaining three more, but the lead hero and heroine need to be strong.
16. Denji Sentai Megaranger
I have a soft spot for this show, but I'm not as into it as I used to be. But it has such a cool, fun, lovable group of heroes, and that's what makes it special. I like that it wants to be a modernization of some of the more science-oriented and sci-fi related Sentai shows from the '80s. What keeps it from ranking higher for me is the way the show becomes just too mecha-obsessed in its later episodes. It gets scattered, breaks away a bit too much from how the show started. (They most likely had to change a lot of stuff going from an evening timeslot to a morning one, and I've always wondered how Megaranger would have turned out if it got to stay on in the evening.) Megaranger is at its height when it's the five of them, making their way through juggling school, growing up, having fun and being superheroes and unlikely friends.
Also, I think the villains end up being pretty lackluster. I never really remember until I'm actually watching the show again, but the Nejirejia seem so ineffectual and so disconnected from the rest of the show, that scenes with them feel like stuff from an unrelated show spliced in. But that still doesn't take away from how fun and cool the rest of the show usually is.
17. Gosei Sentai Dairanger
While I think Dairanger relies too much on weirdness and comedy than it should, and that it doesn't fully utilize the great history and backstory it's set up, it still manages to pull off being a cool, good show, that's also just really entertaining. I used to rank it a little higher -- it used to be the Sugimura show I ranked highest, but Kakuranger pretty much took its spot because I think it says a little more and is the show best suited for Sugimura's weird style and humor. It also slipped the more I got into the '70s and early '80s shows, but I still think it's a solid show.
The Gorma being the last villain group to be mainly actors helps save the show a lot, especially Shadam, Gara and the Gorma Emperor. (Akomaru's actually pretty good, too.)
18. Seijuu Sentai Gingaman
I think Gingaman does the whole fairy tale storybook thing better than nutty-ass Zyuranger, and I like that it wants to evoke a Showa kind of feel to it, but there's just always felt like the show's missing something to me. It plays it extremely safe. (Rubber villains don't help.) I feel like it doesn't quite accomplish what it tries to. I think the show really goes out with a whimper in its latter half -- producer Shigenori Takatera obviously checking out, having his eye on Kamen Rider. Takatera usually has such a strong vision, and writer Yasuko Kobayashi certainly needs the strong guidance of someone like Takatera. So, when he's half out the door, the show suffers for it. And it's a problem, because Gingaman's big thing was in trying to feel like a big, epic fantasy adventure. For the most part, it succeeds, but sadly peters out towards the end, when it needed to be delivering some of its biggest episodes.
I find that, for as much as I enjoy the show as I watch it, it kind of doesn't linger in the memory that long. But the show has a bit of an extra brightness for me because it was the first Sentai I got to see develop from its start when I got back into toku in the late '90s -- when I decided to look up all of these funky shows I saw when I was a kid on the internet. This was at some point in late '97, so Megaranger was near its end, so it was exciting to see news of the latest show as it developed. And even though I thought the show was shaping up to be weird as heck, and I was kinda like "What the hell are they thinking?!" I liked that it was a "____man" name!
19. Juuken Sentai Gekiranger
Gekiranger was a surprise for me; at the time, it was the first premiere episode in a while that I thought was good and the show continued to hold my interest. It would have been nice for the show to play it a little straighter -- producer Hideaki Tsukada seems to look down on the genre a bit, favoring lighthearted, more anime-infused shows -- but it's early JAKQ compared to the recent shows. Like Dairanger, it's a show that has a lot of good backstory that it sadly doesn't put to full use. The show could have had a little more depth, a big problem of which is that I don't think the villains are nuanced. The show was soooooooooo afraid of making Rio and Mele actually evil; they kept them on the fence and they felt non-threatening for most of the show. (I also think Rio needed to be played by someone older than Araki.)
20. Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
A show I liked more after rewatching it; Shinkenger's not without its problems, but I think it had a better grasp on how to do a Sentai than most of the modern shows. Well-rounded characters, a good serious setting. The show is more style over substance, but the style helps give the show a bolder, more epic feel than it might have. Like, the suit actors carry themselves well, even when the action might let you down. The villains are disappointing since they're suits, and only Dayuu really has any character or motivation, but the show does a good job in filming technique in terms of making Dokoku seem big and menacing. (Juzo might have been as cool as the show pretended he was if they had a better actor. They definitely needed someone like Takashi Hagino.)
Shinkenger's, like, the last sane show, isn't it? It was restrained, most of the characters seemed like humans and not cartoons, and it didn't have henshin items screeching and scatting shit at you. I still don't like Genta, though, and feel like he's a completely unnecessary addition to the show, and one that proves that Kobayashi DIDN'T have the Tono-is-a-kagemusha twist until she was nearly finished with the show. (You wouldn't need a commoner member to help "humanize" the Tono if she had intended for him to be a fake all along. Just sayin'.)
21. Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
As much as I've come to like this show, there's a part of me that's still disappointed in that it could have been -- should have been -- soooooooooo much cooler. As I said for Gekiranger, producer Tsukada favors comedy and lightheartedness over anything else, so couple that with the show's goofy cast, and it started to take different turns from the way it was initially depicted.
Think of it this way. It's 2004. I hear the next Sentai show is going to be a cop show done by the Kuuga writer. And they're going to be space cops on top of it! The Uchuu Keiji were always disappointing in that area, weren't they? A 2004 Super Sentai could be so much bolder than any of those limited shows were. So this all sounds promising, even intriguing, right? So, you can imagine there's some mild disappointment when Dekaranger starts and is so cartoony. (And they're making the same Uchuu Keiji mistakes, like having aliens just be people with animal heads!) And then you have Ban shrieking everything like a kid actor and everyone's going "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?" all over the place. And it doesn't help that this show has barely gone away. These guys keep popping up in toku, whether they're returning as Dekaranger or in different roles. That kinda puts a cloud over the show for me. (What's disappointing is, something like 10YA is geared to an older group than the show originally was, but it STILL plays it cartoonishly safe.)
Does this show have the worst sound effects or what? It's like someone's making the noises with their mouth. Not somebody good, either, like Michael Winslow -- someone shitty. Maybe even a kid playing with his Dekaranger soft vinyls in his backyard.
22. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Gokaiger was a really fun show, and I really liked the return of a space-y, sci-fi tinged show. I thought the heroes were all enjoyable and likable and distinct, even if they were just pretty broad. (I think the show knew to keep things a little simple for viewers who might be tuning in to see a particular past hero -- not have them turned away or bogged down by not knowing what the hell might have happened in the past X amount of episodes. You could jump in the show at any point and pretty much know right away who are heroes are by their traits.) The show might have been too afraid to stick to its guns of having them be truly heartless, but learn to be heroic, but...we didn't need total jackasses in what was the big Sentai celebration. Leave that shit to Kamen Rider.
And that's what was great about Gokaiger -- it was an actual celebration, a full on birthday cake for Super Sentai. It wasn't perfect, but it's been closest to the anniversary show I always wanted for Sentai. Bring back past people, pay homage and respect to past shows, haul out old themes and stuff. Past villains would have been cool, but I get why that might not have been a priority for the production -- they were already ambitious and taking chances by weaving past shows into everything, as more than just a gimmick. As it aired, the show was pretty exciting. You didn't know what it was going to do next and just who might show up.
I will say, though, at the same time, for this Showa fan, the show could kinda be frustrating. I sweated the entire show if they were ever going to honor the Showa shows, and they handled a lot of my favorites in a disappointing last-minute/half-hearted kind of way. Again, I think the show was just kind of afraid because of the big task they were taking on, but I certainly think it's awesome that you can say that at least one person from every single Sentai show appeared at one point, which is especially impressive when some of the performers had long left showbiz. And the Sentai love wasn't only reflected within the show, but around the production. A lot of past cast and staff members were made aware of it and would talk about it or visit the set. It was just nice to have a good, entertaining Sentai show for its anniversary that you could appreciate, and that felt like it had a lot of love going into it.
The villains blow, though. Of course, because that's a problem with so many of the modern toku shows. I strongly dislike the Zangyaku designs, and I didn't like the voice actors. Basco was a disappointment, just far too cutesy to ever convey what a traitorous bastard he was supposed to be. The thing that helped the Zangyaku, though, is that they at least had numbers. They might not have been the best villains, but they at least tried to convey why it took every Sentai to push them back. And since the center of the show was that the Gokaiger were meant to be outlaws and possibly villainous themselves, it chose to use the Zangyaku often as just kind of background noise, and that kind of helped ease how lame they were. Like...sure, the Gokaiger hated them for what they did to their homeworlds, but they were also on the run from them, so...yes, they wanted to fight them off, they felt a duty to that that put them on the path of being heroes, but a lot of the time, the Zangyaku are just kind of nuisances who are in the way of the Gokaiger. The more important part of the show was the rough and standoffish Gokaiger learning how to be better heroes from the past guys. So the Zangyaku being so TV-Y7 wasn't as much of a detriment to my enjoyment of the show and it worked out for the show.
The show's just big and ambitious, and has a lot of untapped potential. It provided just enough material of the heroes' pasts and the show's universe to let your mind wonder. Between the untapped potential of the Gokaiger's pre-hero past and the Legendary War, I always felt like Gokaiger was a goldmine for tie-in novels and comic adventures.
Also, remember this: Gokaiger gave us Akibaranger. Think of that next time you want to smack talk it.
23. Choriki Sentai Ohranger
Good cast of heroes + amazing Yamaoka action = higher on this list than it probably deserves. Real life tragedies or no, the show was doomed anyway, especially since it has those cutesy looking villains. There's just no making those guys as threatening as the early episodes wanted them to be. (Which is why I think Ohranger would have been better off never showing the high-ranking Baranoia; just show the monsters of the week, leave it a mystery who's behind them, revealing only in the final episodes something like the Genius Kuroda character, someone who sold himself to advanced machines who were going to invade.)
I admire that it was the first anniversary series to try to do big things to mark it, like having two of the franchise's past producers teaming up and bringing in every main writer of the past Sentai shows to contribute. (Although I think all of those producers and writers having such differing styles is another possible contribution to the show's extreme personality shifts.)
I can kind of take this show in its early half -- especially with what good action it has -- but it becomes spotty once they let Uehara get away with his goofy standalones (with Costanza and that robot professor guy from Gransazer) and the show becomes a dumping ground for whatever toy Bandai wants to shill that week. If not for that aimless second half, I MIGHT have ranked it higher than Gokaiger, because I think I might have had more fun with Ohranger last time I watched it than it. (Thanks to CCLemon and the magic of Shout Factory. Or maybe because my previous copies of Ohranger were HORRENDOUS seventh-generation-cloned-VHS-transferred-to-VCD-crammed-onto-four-DVDs quality copies. That's not even an exaggeration, that's totally what the seller sold me, and I hadn't enjoyed the show enough to ever buy higher quality.)
And the only real reason I rank this higher than a couple of the next entries is thanks to the 20-minute running time giving it a quicker pace. Like, that's the only reason it outranks Goranger to me -- 84 episodes at 25 minutes, you did it to yourself, Goranger.
24. Himitsu Sentai Goranger
I'd like to like Goranger more than I do, but I think it's too damn long for a show that settles in a comfort zone so early on. I think the show has a strong cast, and I like the spy aspect -- but here's two huge problems for me...
First of all, the Kurojuu Jigun designs are fucking horrendous. Ishinomori used up all of his good monster design ideas on the first Rider series. For the most part, the Kurojuu Jigun are depicted as serious and straightforward and evil in their means and methods. But they look so stupid. This isn't a case of a design just not aging well -- these designs had to have looked atrocious in 1975, too. "Yeah, this guy is in black tights and his head is a giant fist. Fist Mask. Yeah. How about a guy whose head is a telephone -- Telephone Mask. Ooh, and then a guy with an ear head. Big Ear Mask. Now, where's my check?" You could EASILY parody the Kurojuu Jigun, and they'd probably still look like something that could have been in the show. Hairy Testicle Mask. Dog Poop Pile Mask. Q-Tip Mask. Fork Mask. Toilet Paper Roll Mask. Nail Clipper Mask. Snotty Nose Mask. Hypodermic Needle Mask. Brassiere Mask. Deodorant Bar Mask. Yo-yo Mask. I could keep going, folks. (And a few of those are real!)
Especially early on, the villains are filmed and presented in this Shocker kind of way. They have it bad for Shocker, they're such wannabes -- Mocker. But it never works because of the designs, which are so bad that the show basically goes on to acknowledge how bad they are by beginning to put the monsters in humorous scenes, leading to a change in tone for the show. There's no thought put into these monster designs -- everything's just focused on the head, their "mask." They're gimmicks that don't even fit into the scenarios. Worst of all, I feel like these designs give freedom to later, shittier designers, far less talented than Ishinomori, who think they can do stupid shit at the bare minimum and claim it's an homage to Goranger. Screw that!
Second big problem is that the show settles into a groove by episode 20 and is just unchanging. Early episodes had villain plans that put the world in danger, but after a while the focus becomes solely on targeting EAGLE or the Goranger. There's only so many times you can see EAGLE soldiers gunned down or (cheaply made models of) EAGLE bases blown up. So, yeah, I'd like to like Goranger more than I do, but I think it gets just far too repetitive. And if you think all this makes me a bad Sentai fan,'s a Goranger monster just for you: it has a big hand for a head, and the hand-head's middle finger is extended. Eff You Mask.
25. Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
Fun for what it is early on -- with a likable cast who all look like they get along and are having a blast -- but then it's all brought down by mopey Silver and the show forcing some unconvincing environmental message really, really hard, in the form of the obnoxious Fuutaro. (The original five are all so fun, likable and cool, though -- a reverse Timeranger. Zombie Tetsuji Tamayama would have fit in with the Timeranger cast, though.)
It's also held back by being the first show to try to turn toku into a DigiPokeRancher, anime-quest, "collect all 'em critters!" gimmick. Gaoranger created a monster of greed that's ripping Sentai apart to this day.
26. Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman
I'd like to like Fiveman. It's my hero Soda's last show as main writer. But the show's just a mess, and not an interesting one. Just...they try to make it be and do everything, and it just has no soul to it. To say it's by the numbers is to give it too much praise.
It's sad, because the cast is mostly cool, even though they're really not used well and don't look like they're having a great time. And I love the Zone as villains! They're pretty much all cool and menacing. (Even early Garoa.) The weak spot is Shubarie, who's just the worst villain of Uehara-Soda years of Sentai. Green Flash deserved better than to play that lame bastard. Show's just not very fun, but potential was there.
27. Dai Sentai Goggle V
I've said before, I don't hate Goggle V as much as most people. I think it's very formulaic and plays it safe, and is often just boring. The heroes are on the generic side. (Jun'ichi Haruta is the best, though -- why in the hell didn't he just play Akama? This show would be fairly rough without him.) The bad guys aren't terribly interesting, but I like the idea behind them. There's SOME fun ideas in the show, like the Comboy, assistants who shadow the Goggle V and could one day take over for them. It's a show that I could imagine sort of liking when I was a kid.
28. Taiyou Sentai Sunvulcan
A show as unremarkable as it is overrated by the Japanese fans. I still have no fucking clue what the Japanese fans see in this show. It's because it's a sausage fest, right? The show's just very slow-paced, and then it becomes very silly out of nowhere. It wants to be Goranger, but doesn't have the kick-ass cast to help it out. The show really suffers from not having a heroine. (No, Misa doesn't cut it.)
OK, to be honest, it's not like I think Sunvulcan's a bad show. It's watchable, it can be entertaining. (When I first saw it, I had just watched and enjoyed the Uchuu Keiji shows, and thought that Sunvulcan had a kinda Uchuu Keiji vibe that I appreciated.) It might be unfair, but a lot of my distaste for it comes from the worship it receives. To me, it's the weakest of the Showa Sentai shows, but it's called the best for reasons I don't really understand, when there's 11 shows that do everything better than it. And not just longtime Sentai fans in Japan, but Toei staff place this show on a pedestal -- it really IS the Uchuu Keiji of Super Sentai! Just...why do you love it so much, people?! Just as Denjiman and Bioman are better versions of Sunvulcan, Juspion and Spielban are better versions of the Uchuu Keiji, but they're the least popular of the '80s Metal Heroes and...bah!
29. Tokumei Sentai Go-busters
Still boring, still pretty miscast, but...cripes, this thing's Flashman compared to a lot of the shows that came after it.
The staff of this show's cockiness is hilarious. They thought they were "rebooting" the franchise and making it "cool" and "serious" again. They were so clueless that they thought having a character freeze whenever anything chicken-related hits the screen is "serious." This show was over ten years too late to be "cool," with its seriously outdated ideas that anything imitating The Matrix was still cool...
But it at least had a couple of things going for it. Jin/Beet Buster. The last human villains, even if they were a disappointment. Dark Buster was a kind of cool idea. The show could have been tweaked and made better, but...does Toei make anything better nowadays, or just worse?
30. Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
I had no clue I'd rank this as high as I am. 30's not great, obviously, but...
Ninninger's a stinky show. But I at least like a couple of the heroes, I can find some inadvertently entertaining aspects of it (Bakaharu), the hero suits look neat. The show actually tries to get its shit together in the last dozen episodes, which is far too late, but I was surprised it even made the effort. The mecha's atrocious, though. I seriously want to know what knucklehead designed them and had the gonads to submit them, and who was the bigger idiot who OK'd it all.
31. Ressha Sentai ToQger
I hate to say that it's probably a better show than Ninninger, so I should swap their rankings, but ToQger did a lot of things that annoyed me personally. (The stupid henshin item reciting entire textbooks and/or stating the obvious; the dumb swapping colors gimmick. Wagon Kardashian. Tokkachi's overacting and dumb pushing his glasses up thing. Gritta's horrible design and her dumb marriage woes.)
I liked Akira and Zet, at least, even if Zet became too one note. Truthfully, I think ToQger could have worked as a show -- the ingredients were there -- it's just that it was content with riding in cruise control. Young heroes powered by imagination -- the sky should have been the limit with that premise. The heroes riding to towns to rid them of the bad guys -- it's formulaic, but that's cool and Western-like. The show could have been far better than what it gave us.
32. Engine Sentai Go-onger
I'm kind of embarrassed how, at the time it started airing, I tried really hard to like this show. Hey, I liked the other car Sentais... (I had Go-onger avatars at Japan Hero. Yeah...) But it was just hard to like, because it's so stupid. In its head, it really thinks it's Carranger, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Go-onger is the show people who don't understand Carranger accuse Carranger of being, which is mindless, dumb-for-dumb's-sake goofballery.
I do like a couple of the heroes -- Sousuke and Gunpei -- and a couple of episodes, at least. I rewatched this show around the time Sousuke appeared on Gokaiger, and actually had some fun with it, but I don't know what that was about. I guess it was just the Gokai high, the celebration of Sentai.
33. Mahou Sentai Magiranger
A show that irritated the hell out of me when it aired, and I don't make it far whenever I try to rewatch it. On one hand, I like the show's attempt at having a lore and history. But they focus on so much uninteresting, Disney magoo shit that is really just squanders its premise. Like Gekiranger, the more interesting show is in the backstory. Unlike Gekiranger, the actual show isn't interesting enough to stand on its own.
34. Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
This show just gives me the creeps. Sorry I can't articulate it better than that. It's just...the try-hard weirdness, the strange mishmash of dinosaur stuff and caveman stuff and witchcraft and to top it off, the show just has this really cheap, really grimy look to it that is just so off-putting. It really just gives me the willies. And if all that's not bad enough, you have a likable cast of heroes who are rarely given anything to do other than babysit the kid guest star of the day. Yeah, Burai's cool and all, and the sole reason I rank the show this high, but there's far more that I don't like about the show. I actually think I like MMPR more, even if that's mostly nostalgia talking. (Despite what people say, nostalgia's a valid reason to like something.) And I really, really, really hate to say that. But, hey, I watched all 753 MMPR episodes when I bought it from Shout, and didn't get past episode 30 of Zyu when I bought that set!
35. Mirai Sentai Timeranger
I dislike this show more than this ranking implies. While I think a lot of the plot is nonsensical horseshit (the problem with too many time travel stories), there WERE interesting ideas there that just go to waste. I don't really like the characters, their casting is weak, I think the villains are lacking, and the show is just soooooooo incredibly boring to me. One episode feels like three. The visuals of the show, the music, I also find unappealing.
You gotta laugh at how cool and serious Timeranger thinks it is. It really thinks it's out-Jetmanning Jetman. I ranked it a couple of numbers higher just for how cute that is. (Honestly, I feel awkward ranking it this low when it gave us Time Force, and Time Force copies so much from it.)
36. Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger
Three annoying leads, a dumbed-down Kakuranger, visually dull and cheap looking. There's just not a lot about Hurricaneger I like. I didn't enjoy much of it, I thought a lot of it was dull, and I never really felt compelled to rewatch it or reevaluate it. It's sad that I gave something as dreadful as Go-onger a second shot and Hurricaneger, despite being more "serious" and having a writer like Jun'ichi Miyashita, is really just unappealing to me. A huge, huge problem is also just how mecha happy this show is. I remember a couple of episodes that seem to take place entirely in mecha, with characters talking to one another from their cockpits. That's rough.
37. Tensou Sentai Goseiger
A completely generic, by-the-numbers, fill-a-year, forgettable show. It's really feels like entry number two in a franchise. I *try* to cut it some slack because it obviously had production problems. I find it a little difficult to rank this show, actually. I'd probably pop in a Goseiger before an episode of Hurricaneger or Zyuranger or Timeranger, so you'd think that would mean it ranks higher than those for me. It's not like the show's outright offensive or anything, it's just incredibly bland, never finding its own identity, making you end every episode with a "that's it?" sigh.
There's a couple of good things there -- Yasuhiro Takeuchi as Gosei Red's suit actor, the Matrintis arc -- but I don't find it's able to be ranked all that high since it's not a memorable show. Unfocus your eyes and jiggle the wire when you watch an episode and you'll uncode an image of a Toei exec shrugging and saying "We kinda give up." Toei was better off rerunning the first episode of every Sentai for the year to lead into the anniversary.
38. Gougou Sentai Boukenger
It's a pathetic anniversary entry. There's not much I like about the show, but I can at least come up with a COUPLE of tiny things or episodes that I liked while watching it, if I really, really had to. (Even if it's something as unimportant as "Well, it was cool that Hiroshi Watari was in it.") Mostly, when I recast the show and watch those early episodes, I can see the show Boukenger could have, should have and probably wanted to be. So, I can kinda put up with those early episodes, but by the time Silver shows up, and the show settles in and starts writing to fit the cast they have and diverts from the show I think it wanted to be, THAT'S when it becomes the Boukenger I loathe. A boring show, filled with unlikable characters, and a premise that doesn't lend itself well to the henshin hero format -- especially when your production's going to be pinching yennies as much as Boukenger obviously does.
39. Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
I had a real hard time getting through Zyuohger. It's like Goseiger 2, but I don't think it has any production problems to excuse its lazy-ass, generic-as-heck boringness. I watch the show and feel like I watch nothing, and it's a lonnnnnnng-feeling nothing; the heroes are empty; the villains are a non-presence, slapped-on afterthought; the mecha's ugly; Cho screeching shit at you in that wannabe-Akira Kushida voice is annoying...ugh. Sad, sad, sad anniversary entry. I guess producer Utsunomiya was like "Gokaiger was hard work! Let's not bother this time 'round, guys!" I just didn't have much fun watching this show. It was unambitious and tedious, to put it lightly. And an even worse anniversary entry than Boukenger! I never thought Toei could manage that.
40. Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger
Spoiler alert: Kyoryuger is dead last. But it was pretty hard for me to decide which was worse -- Kyoryuger or Kyuranger. I feel like they're practically the same show; Kyuranger is basically Kyoryuger if it had the sense to acknowledge their pathetic villains were basically just mischievous heroes and made official team members. (Don't believe me? Balance and Raptor would have been right at home with the Deboss. Man, Deboss is such a joke.)
I couldn't stand Kyuranger. It was a loud, ugly mess from top to bottom, with zero stakes, too many heroes, the same lazy damn episode repeating again and again, terrible, terrible "characters," who were sub-dimensional cartoons spouting inane and nonsensical catchphrases in lieu of dialogue. It took me SO LONG to finish the entire series. I couldn't do more than two episodes at once, and even that would get whittled down to one episode whenever and even THAT I dreaded. The word I always come back to when I think of Kyuranger is "unpleasant." It's just an unpleasant viewing experience. There was no reason for the show to turn out the way it did. ZERO effort from the staff of this thing.
And it didn't need to be so bad and brainless. The premise is one that I've wanted to see in Sentai for ages -- the bad guys have won and already taken over and the Sentai is a scrappy resistance that rises against them. The parallel that's easiest to make is Star Wars, of course, but what first interested me in the idea of a Sentai doing that is the 1983 miniseries V, which is the better, more realistic, more mature version of Star Wars (even if it wouldn't exist without Star Wars, which it wouldn't). Kyuranger promised Star Wars, but...
We didn't get Star Wars. At least not the good Star Wars. We didn't even get the terrible prequels, which at least would have meant the show was taking itself too seriously and failing hardcore. We didn't even get Disney's terrible Greatest Hits Reheated version of Star Wars. No, no. Toei gave us the Star Wars Holiday Special FORTY-EIGHT-FUCKING-TIMES-OVER. I always thought the hate against the Star Wars Holiday Special was hyperbole. Until I watched it. And then I realized it's as bad as the legend says. Time froze while watching it. It was gruelling. It was stupider and smellier than a sack of petrified turds. It was a no-budget, cynically-made disgrace masquerading as a continuation of a beloved movie, a movie that was a juggernaut that changed movies and merchandising and entertainment forever. I honestly got pissed off by watching the holiday special, and was actually angry for the following few days. The thing's never going to get an official release, which means it's kind of rare. I tend to cling to rare movies and stuff just in case it gets hard to find. Not the Star Wars Holiday Special. I couldn't delete that sucker fast enough.
So, yeah. Kyuranger is the Star Wars Holiday Special. Unpleasant. Pissed me off. I think I had a harder time getting through Kyuranger than I did Kyoryuger, so you'd think I'd rank Kyoryuger above it, right? Wrong. Kyuranger at least had that potential to be more, to be big. The ingredients were there. I'm a sucker for the sci-fi shows; the hero designs were mostly awesome. Hell, I can tolerate most of the cast members, but the writing really screwed them over. (Not Naga, though. That guy is one of the worst actors working today. And they give HIM the character who's meant to learn emotions! Someone at Toei had a laugh.) But not only did the show squander this premise, but it never had the intention of giving it the budget to fully convey its worlds, which really hurts it. The show needed to be so much bigger, so much more adventurous seeming. (I had just finished watching Message From Space: Galactic War around the same time this show aired, and THAT show has a much more fun, adventurous feel to it, despite having more limitations than a modern-day production.)
The IDEA of the show, the space setting, the sci-fi flavor, that alone makes it beat Kyoryuger for me. I think dinosaurs are dorky, man. The Kyutama are neat gimmicks, just poorly executed. And there's at least a COUPLE of moments early on that I didn't mind, like the storyline with Stinger and Kamen Rider Melon. The villains needed to be better, though. They have no presence, despite how far-reaching (and successful!) they were supposed to be. The show's like...there's more heroes than villains, and they're all so happy and carefree that you don't buy they're scrappy underdogs fighting back a big regime, and they have so many toys and robots that they're so overpowered that the show just feels like there's no stakes and pointless; nothing is as dire as it should be. There's just never a question in the show that the Kyuranger are going to win, and they're able to win in the stupidest ways possible -- spouting dumbass barely "catchphrases."
And the fights in this show are shit. So boring and unimaginative, just them standing there juggling the Kyutama around while that obnoxious voice never shuts up and they just wave their toy at the monster. That's EVERY single fight scene, whether they're fighting grunts or a monster or Don Armage for the 88th time. (How many times did they have a "final" showdown with Don Armage?!) As someone who worships the old Japan Action Club, it really is such a disappointment how Bandai has ruined toku action scenes and suit actors' work.
41. Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
So aggressive in its attempt to annoy the ever-loving bejesus out of you, mistaking its obnoxiousness for "fun." I hate it from top to bottom, and can't find ANY pleasant thing to say about it. It's loud, it's ugly, it's obnoxious -- to the eyes, to the ears, to the intellect. It really lowered the bar. A bad, bad show that's nowhere near as cool or fun as it thinks it is. Pretty much every idea it had was done better in another Sentai. It's the Sentai equivalent of The Goldbergs, with no original thought of its own -- it takes better people's work and the only contribution it makes is to make it all awful.
Kingoo is hands-down the worst Red the franchise has had so far. An obnoxiously written character who can do it all, played by an obnoxiously one-note and over-exaggerated performer. Shun Shioya's just a bad actor. Lucky just has an irritatingly sucky catchphrase. Kingoo is an attention hog, bad character, AND weak actor. If you don't like him, you're screwed, because he's the whole show. I don't care for the other cast members and the designs of the show are just eye-piercing. When I think of Kyoryuger, I just get this image of things made out of Play-doh.
And that's not even getting to the villains, who are brighter and cuter than even the heroes. Or obnoxious-as-hell Shigeru Chiba shrieking everything at you. Or the dumb dance henshin. Or the terrible music that accompanies it. Or any of the Sakamoto-isms.
Well, there you have it. And if you think I'm somehow a bad fan for being harsh on a lot of those later entries, well...I love Super Sentai, dammit. I'll give a lot of those shows I don't like more chances than I would a show from another franchise. (Meaning...I'd be more likely to pop in something like Go-onger than I would something like OOO. Yeesh.) And I'd probably fight for those shows over something from another franchise, too. (Meaning...I'd make an argument for why ToQger has more depth over something like Ex-Aid. Yeesh.) But you can't like everything, and anyone who says they do or seems like they do are just full of it. Especially with something as long-running as Super Sentai.
It's like I've said before...I look at Super Sentai the way I do any long-running franchise, or a longtime band or author or director -- not everything's going to be a winner. They're going to turn out something you won't like and don't recognize as being the same thing you loved in the first place. But does that mean you hate them? Of course not. You just hope they get their shit back together for the next one.
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Hi Shogo! Nice new ramble you've got there!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about perhaps the list of series you dislike and I like are the following in no particular order:
1.) Timeranger - I consider it Kobayashi's best work
2.) Kyuranger - Well I want to think of it as succeeding where the Spaceballs cartoon failed
3.) Go-Busters - Not exactly the best but I like it.
4.) Boukenger - I'm a sucker for treasures and hence why I like Lupin vs. Pat.
5.) I prefer Hurricanger over Kakuranger
So which one do I tend to have a negative opinion on? Well I just thought about Kyoryuger's storytelling isn't my type. For ToQGer, I usually tend to be more considerate of it these days considering that I do have a soft spot for Kiva and Fiveman.
As for my current top ten? I hope I can make a response to this post soon about my top ten Super Sentai which is quite unlikely though since I haven't seen all series up to present from start to end.
Thanks for reading! Looking forward to your list.
Delete(I don't understand the connection between ToQger and Kiva and Fiveman you mentioned, though.)
Hi Shougo thanks for replying!
DeleteNow let me clarify some things. If you can't understand the connection between ToQGer, Kiva and Fiveman - it's because they were written when Kobayashi, Inoue and Soda were all burnt out when they wrote it. So if I can appreciate Kiva and Fiveman because of Inoue and Soda - then I end up finding himself appreciating ToQGer to a certain extent because I'm also a fan of Kobayashi.
Anyway, I doubt it I can make this list for these reasons. I haven't seen some seasons yet namely Goranger, JAKQ, Denziman, I've only seen 60% of Dynaman, not so much of Flashman... which is probably why I can't guarantee I will reply to you soon. Also, I'm trying to focus on Lupin vs. Pat as it inevitably ends.
Also, I just thought about it that some of the series I really still don't like until now:
1.) Magiranger - it's that annoying especially with HOUKA
2.) Kyoryuger - Abaranger has better storytelling and characters.
3.) Goseiger - It really is too pale on its own. Otherwise, Shinkenger does overshadow it IMHO.
Anyway, I hope we can have yet another interesting exchange of ideas anytime soon.
Welcome back, sir!
ReplyDeleteI can't say your list has too many surprises (well, you sound more suprised that Liveman is your numero dos than I thought it was). I will say that Zyuranger being one below Magiranger is almost deliberate *shake fist*, but I can admit that both shows are hard on the eyes for the exact opposite reasons. Magiranger with it's glittery fuckness and Zyuranger with the exciting visuals of store brand packaging.
I remember not liking Gaoranger at all. It had some great songs and the only VS V Cinema worth watching after the initial three. So imagine my surprise when I got it in the mail recently after completely forgetting that I ordered it. What you said about it mirrors pretty much how I feel about the show. Who knows...maybe this time I'll like it. Also, thanks for the Ohranger shout out. ;]
DeleteFor as much as Zyuranger gives me the willies, I did kind of feel like it wasn't right to put Magi over it. But it basically came down to that creep factor. I'd probably pop Magiranger in over Zyuranger, and that's one of the reasons. Another part of it is nostaglia for '05 -- for as much as I hated Magiranger at the time, and pissed off plenty of people for voicing that, I thought the fandom was so much more fun back then.
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ReplyDeleteThis is a great raking. In fact, I still plan my final version for Liveman. Hopefully we can compare versions, mine is more than anything to give a background to Great Professor Bias.
ReplyDeleteIn any case my raking is: Dairanger, Liveman, Changeman, Flashman and Jetman as my top 5 of my favorites sentais.
Greetings and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I don't think I'll ever really "write" my version of a Liveman finale -- I just have a couple of ideas and imagine where it could go from there. I basically think Kemp should have killed Bias and taken over Volt, and I picture him being more evil and quick in his actions. Instead of the final episodes we have, where Bias is brainwashing people, I'd rather have had Kemp actually carving out a little place in Japan for his "genius paradise." And the Liveman would have to break in and stop Kemp before he can get any further.
DeleteGood rankings!
I am very happy to see the blog active again. Regarding the list, I was surprised by some ranking positions (I thought Gokaiger would be higher up, while Ohranger, Go-Busters, and Ninninger would be lower).
ReplyDeleteSome comments / questions:
I agree with you, the presence of several writers in Ohranger made the series a little schizophrenic. Generally I find the episodes written by Susumu Takaku the worst, and those written by Inoue the best of the series (including that of the swimsuit).
2) I think Kakuranger is the worst series of the Sugimura era. Saizou and Seikai are too alike and Ninjaman is annoying.
3) I know that Lupine VS Patoranger is not over yet, but if you were to vote now she would be in what part of the ranking?
4) Decades ago Ninja Captor was considered by some Japanese magazines as a sentai. What would be the position of the series in your ranking?
5) You wrote that you created a new concept about Ohranger after watching Shout DVD's. Are you planning to give Hurricaneger another chance?
My top 10 (I have not seen Carranger, Megaranger, Gingaman, GoGo V, Kyuranger and Lupine vs Pat):
Thank you!
DeleteAw, I like Takaku's Ohranger episodes. The one with the dog because I'm an animal guy, and that one with Momo visiting her village is...kinda stupid, but kinda fun, but that might also be because I'm a Tamao Sato guy. :P
I'm surprised you dislike Kakuranger so much. I see people say that about Saizo and Seikai, but I agree with the people who point out at least this one difference: they're both idiots, but Saizou's the nice one and Seikai's a jerk.
Lupin VS Pat would probably be under Bouken, before Zyuoh. I didn't mind most of what I saw of it, but there's certain cast members I don't like and I think it's just very safe and generic.
As for Ninja Captor, I haven't seen all of that show. But, man, I wanted to see that show for so long -- it was kinda hard to find for a while, until Toei released it to DVD -- and I was pretty disappointed with what I saw, so...I wouldn't be nice to it. :P
You know, when Shout announced Hurricaneger, I kinda wondered about that. But...I don't think my opinion will really change. With Ohranger, I at least always liked a couple of things -- the cast, the action, some ideas. A big, big obstacle in my liking Ohranger was pretty much always the villains. But I got to a point where I mostly ignore them, and just pay attention to the monsters of the week. (I've said it before: I think it would have been interesting, and more fitting of Ohranger's early style, to NOT show a group of regular villains; have the threats coming, and the characters don't know where they're coming from. You can reveal at the end that there's a machine mastermind or someone like Genius Kuroda who made a deal with robotic intelligence.)
I dislike the three leads in Hurricaneger so much, and I still haven't come around to liking them in any of my attempts to rewatch the show or when I see them making appearances in other shows outside their own. And the villains and their plans are mostly boring. (I like Wendinu, but that's pretty much just because I like Mio Fukuzumi.) I think, at this point, the show might have nostalgia going for it, though.
I'm surprised you like Magiranger so much! I wouldn't have guessed that.
DeleteI think some episodes of Kakuranger were very good. The big arc in which the team separates, besides being a daring measure, is very consistent (except for episode 27, with the two goofy). Episodes 28 and 29 are among the best in the franchise.
By the way, I think Sugimura wrote great arcs in his sentais. The problem was the insistence with episodes that had the damn child of the week.
About Magiranger: I think the series has qualities (creature design, an interesting mythology involving Infershia and Magitopia, good BGM's) and flaws (actors fail in more complex dramatic scenes, new spells that conveniently appear each episode).
But what makes me Magiranger in my Top 10 is another factor. I'm a fan of family sitcoms - from I Love Lucy and Father Knows Best, through Bewitched to the '80s series. Like Who's the Boss ?, Family Ties, Growing Pains, Perfect Strangers and Mostly Full House.
I think the family dynamics in Magiranger are similar to those of "feel good shows", where most of the problems are solved with a hug and a "I'm sorry".
Glad to see your blog back up~
ReplyDeleteI'm amused but not surprised that our top 5 ran so closely (mine being Changeman, Maskman, Flashman, Carranger and Turboranger). I take that as speaking for how good those shows are, it's decided. I'll need to decide where to put Liveman on my personal list, I do like the show but I hadn't chosen where to put it yet. Decisions, decisions.
Regarding Carranger, it always seemed honest to me like it had heart and soul and that the staff went along with the humor (even in weaker eps like the Space pet one) rather than trying to fight against or just trying too hard like a bunch of more recent junk.
Those kind of people you spoke of at the end... I read a good quote in regards to that once; it being the following: "They don't love anime. They love the circle-jerking aspect of their in-joke anime. You know, like Gainax". I think it applies to here too since like, if that's their opinion then cool and all but as you said, it just seems like they're trashing on what they're watching out of being unable to tell themselves they like tokusatsu and it's lame.
I need to sit and rewatch Gekiranger sometime. I remember liking it last time I saw it but I think seeing shows like Maskman and Dairanger afterwards have spoiled me in terms of combat fighting in toku since seeing the Gekis just transform and shoot out a Woo Woo Dan to decide a fight feels off to me. I know there's good in it so, maybe I'll try to tune my biases out and take Gekiranger for what it is.
Ah, Shinkenger. I'm not quite sure exactly why I like this show but something about it just clicked with me despite any problems it might have. And yeah, the Shiba twist probably wasn't planned the whole time but I still give it props for feeling like it did and having a nice resolution to it that worked with the show's setting. How you feel about Dino Thunder is how I feel about PR Samurai, hearing how it carried itself and what it did with the twist... I-I just can't, man. It wouldn't feel right to me.
I'm still surprised you seem to kinda like Takaharu, haha. Not that I ever felt you had to agree with the vocal majority who hate him but I thought either Nishikawa's acting or the general way they executed him would keep you away. That's cool though, I'm glad you found something to like in it.
I'm personally indifferent to Zyuranger. I finished it, thought it had some good or okay ideas (excluding Full Metal Barza here), and I could probably pop on an episode or two if I wanted to but watching all 50 in context is the weirdest thing.
Sigh, Kyuranger. How many times did the heroes have to make pit-stops to get 10 more Kyutamas? How many times did they fight the same villains despite those villains dying over and over again? Urck, I wanted to like it during the first quarter but then it just got so stupid to me. The show's quality was pretty much that garbage prop they used for Pega-san, just like it.
DeleteI think I said too much about those so-called Carranger fans. I know some people will argue that people who hate-watch or watch something like Carranger with the sense that it's making fun of what they're ashamed to watch is a valid way of enjoying or being a fan of that show,, those types bug me. :P
About Gekiranger...yeah, as a fighting show, it kinda stinks compared to the other ones. It references a lot of martial arts movies, but doesn't have the guts to really go for it in terms of making great action scenes. And they have no excuse, really, because it was before Bandai ruining all of toku's action scenes with gimmicks and doo-hickeys that do nothing.
The Shiba twist is what got me back into Shinkenger when it was airing. I had pretty much written it off after Gold came in, but that twist -- even if not planned -- was a damn great idea and made me tune back in and catch up. I haven't watched a full episode of PR Samurai, but I thought it was terrible seeming, and laughable how much it just copied Shinkenger, despite it making zero sense why there was this samurai family in New Zealand.
I should have mentioned the pit-stops in my Kyuranger section! That was SO annoying. Like...don't have 28 heroes if you're not going to be able to write for them all, so you're always just splitting them up to go collect the balls. Don't have so many heroes if you're not going to be sure who you want to use in the episode, so you have to have that gimmick of the dumbass roulette wheel.
"Woo Woo Dan," "Full Metal Barza," Kyuranger being the Pega-san prop -- thanks for the laughs! XD
1. Ressha Sentai Toqger 2. Himitsu Sentai Goranger
Delete3. Gogo Sentai Boukenger
DeleteGreat to see you back blogging Shougo! Very awesome post! There were lots of surprises here!
ReplyDelete- Liveman: I think it's great to see where you've ranked this show (as well as Turboranger). I feel it's very true to your heart. Also, I love the idea of lumping ep 8 with the first 3! There's definitely a very clear thematic narrative going on there!
Also, I don't think there's any shame with coming up with your own ending for the show. Nor does it make the show any less good or cool. Cause clearly the show was creative and enjoyable enough to stand the tests of time, that you could come up with your own stories for the show. I feel it's kinda like reading a very good novel, and using your imagination to fill in the rest. Trust me, I've done this myself. With Liveman. Or for a more extreme case, the Star Wars Prequels haha.
- Maskman: Not even in your dreams, you get to be red Shougo xD
- Carranger: Yeah, there are folks who genuinely love Carranger cause of what a neat approach to Sentai it is. Then you have the folks who just like Carranger cause "It's meant to be bad, like how Sentai typically is." Screw that noise.
- Kakuranger: Man, it's so strange seeing a Sugimura show sneak into your Top 10. I thought something like Dynaman would be in that spot for you. Glad you really love it though!
- JAKQ: Well this sure shot up super high on your list! lol. I knew there were things you liked about this show. But didn't think you grew so fond of it. It even beat out shows like Battle Fever and Bioman for you! O=
- Bioman: I think you nailed precisely your most sincere feelings towards this show and why it's ranked where it's ranked for you.
- Denjiman: Wow, another show which has really climbed your list! I mean, I'm quite pleasantly surprised to see this, since I enjoy Denjiman myself. But I was always under the impression that you never cared much for Uehara's Sentai works, or just generally indifferent to them. So to see this along with JAKQ rank so high is quite a surprise. I also thought maybe you'd find Denjiman kinda visually strange. I always felt it was kinda similar to what Zyuranger would do later on, with the weird surrealism plots.
- Mega/Dai/Ginga: Awww, kinda saddens me to see these shows dip below the Top 15. ^^; I mean, I know it was more a case of you suddenly enjoying these 70s/early-80s Sentai shows a bit more. And with how much you love Sentai, I suppose these are technically not too low (shows how much Sentai goodness is out there~). And ouch on some of the Gingaman comments... ^^;
- Geki/Shinken: Not sure why, but it kinda amuses me to see any post-90s Sentai that's not Abaranger make it into your Top 20 haha. Especially Shinkenger, since I remember how much you really didn't like the show at some point. xD
- Ohranger: Cool to see you like this show now. O=
- Gaoranger: I see this show dipped a bit for you. I guess you really do hate Silver that much?
Thank you!
DeleteHey, I've tried to use my imagination on the Star Wars prequels, too, but it still doesn't help! Those things are baaaaaaaaad! (Even when I try to look at them this way: they're not prequels about Anakin becoming Vader, but Palpatine becoming the Emperor. Because Ian McDiarmid is the only thing those movies have going for 'em, IMO.)
I never really had a problem with Uehara's Sentai shows, it's just a style that I didn't like as much as a Soda or Inoue. Uehara's always liked to have moments of surrealism -- especially in the Uchuu Keiji, of course -- but I don't think what he does is as off-putting as what Zyuranger does. Sugimura just tries too hard.
Yeah, I don't see where Mega/Dai/Ginga as ranking "low." And I didn't want to sound harsh about Ginga, because I DO like that show, but I think some of my issues with it are on my end, and not really the show itself. If you can get invested in costumed villains, you might not have the issues I have, for example, in battles seeming impersonal or whatever. Something that further hinders Gingaman for me is that I feel the Bull Black cours slows the show down, and by the time that's resolved, they start to set up the whole thing with Hyuga leaving to work with Bucrates. It's like...why devote so much time to this character then? See why I dislike most sixths?! :P I also blame GoGoFive -- Gingaman wants to have an epic feel, and it does succeed in making things seem big and important, but at the same time, it kind of plays things safe most of the time. GoGoFive followed Gingaman's lead, and where Gingaman wanted to be a big, adventurous fantasy storybook, GoGoFive wants to be a disaster movie, and so GoGoFive's stabs at big and epic episodes are injected with a peril and urgency that a lot of Gingaman lacks.
The weirder thing to me than a post-90s Sentai that's not Abaranger being in my Top 20 is Abaranger being in my top 10. I sometimes think it's amazing I like that show considering how weird it can be and...well, considering what I went on to say about dinosaurs being dorky. :P
I don't even remember where I previously ranked Gaoranger! It's not even really just Silver, but I'll start to get bored when Rouki shows up. It goes from being a fun, if aimless, sorta adventure series that's just about fun and good feels to becoming a mecha-collecting, overly-preachy bore.
Yeah Palpatine was definitely one of the most entertaining bits of the Prequels, lol. But I actually find Palpatine becoming Emperor to be a rather boring aspect too lol (aside from probably a minute of it actually happening). Might be because I found George Lucas' politics focus to be really uninteresting lol. I think the Star Wars Prequels are indeed pretty terrible films, but I do quite like a lot of the ideas for them on paper. Ideally for me, I always wanted the top priority to be about "Anakin the War Hero."
DeleteI definitely prefer human-faced villains over costumed villains any day. But shows like Carranger, Gingaman, and GoGoFive for me are some of the really rare exceptions for me. And maybe that's cause the villains in those shows are portrayed by the best suit acting and voice acting combos I've ever seen in Sentai. Most costumed villains I feel are just suit acted or voiced just enough to get a paycheck.
Dinosaurs are cool man ;P
I recall Gaoranger being like... #21 for you or something? But yeah, I agree with you there on Gao haha. And oh, even Rouki turns you off I see.
- Ninninger/ToQger: I was really not expecting these 2 shows to rank as high as they did for you. I was expecting to see these more towards the bottom. I never cared for Takaharu, but I never had the massive hate boner towards him which most fans seem to. I'm still kinda surprised you like him though. Thought he'd be intolerable by your standards. Like Shun Shioya before, lol. As for ToQger, man, the show does have some neat ideas, but also indeed does some pretty insufferable things too. For me, the show has some of the worst action choreography I've ever seen in the franchise, and that just makes it a royal pain for me to sit through.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, honestly, I'm kinda shocked these 2 ranked higher than Go-on, Magi, Zyu, Time, Hurri, or Gosei. I get you have big issues with all those shows. But... I was always under the impression you had enough things to like from them, compared to the sheer amount of nothingness of ToQ and Ninnin.
- Magiranger: I get you hate this show. I'm not a fan either. But again, I'm kinda surprised to see you ranked this lower than Ninnin, ToQ, and Go-on. I dunno, but I thought there was a part of you that kinda wanted to like this show?... guess not? lol
- Zyuranger: *bops you on the head for picking MMPR over it* >:(
- Timeranger: Wow, this show dipped below Zyuranger for you (as well as Magi and Go-on). I mean, I'm not too too surprised at this point, since I know you really don't like this show. But... huh, I guess I was under the impression that at one point, you thought Timeranger was a show with really cool ideas and was just super disappointed by it's wasted potential. But nope, I guess you really really really just dislike what this show is, lol.
- Hurricaneger: Again, not surprised by how low this show is ranked. But still kinda surprised that it lost to Ninninger for you. I always thought Hurricaneger would've had just enough more meat on it's bones compared to the meatless Ninninger to edge out for you.
- Goseiger: I think you make very good points on why you don't like this show and how much nothingness you get out of it. I agree. Though I'm still kinda surprised this show broke into your Bottom 5. Like, I was under the impression you were able to tolerate it some. Moreso than like say, Hurricaneger. Or even Go-on, ToQ, or Ninnin. And cause you love Takeuchi as GoseiRed. I guess again, I'm kinda surprised Gosei was a lesser show in your eyes compared to ToQ or Ninnin.
- Kyuranger: I've always felt one of this show's greatest weaknesses is how it tries to copy the success of Kyoryuger, instead of just trying to do it's own thing. It tries to mimic the energy and vibe of Kyoryuger, with how the heroes are joyful and larger than life in every way. And that just clashes with some of the attempted Star Wars style of rebellion vs empire. Which is a shame.
- Kyoryuger: I admit, this is a show I'm still very fascinated over, due to the variety of emotions (both good and bad) I felt from this, as well as the varying opinions I've heard from others. From my observations, Kyoryuger really seems to be a very plain example of a tolerance test, determining how one is going to feel about the show.
Great post overall man! =D
Nooooooo way that Takaharu is as bad as Shun Shioya for me. Shioya's an awful actor playing a character he should have never been given to play, and a character who's not even all that memorable to begin with. Nishikawa's not much of an actor, but he's at least kinda likable. With Takaharu, they obviously recognized Nishikawa's shortcomings and started to write to that. Takaharu became stupider, the characters started to trash him more, he wasn't respected as a Red, and so in an odd way, he starts to feel like an underdog. He's basically if Kyoryuger realized how bad Ryo Ryusei was and how much Kingoo sucked and started having the show reflect that.
DeleteI really thought through my rankings, man. A lot of times, when it got to be some of these shows I think lesser of, I'd basically boil it down to "Which show would I rather pop in and watch?" Ninnin often missed the mark -- like I said, a lot of what I did end up enjoying about that show would be inadvertent. It was a weird viewing experience, but I feel like I probably got more entertainment from it than I did, say, Go-on or Hurricane. (I hold Junki Takegami and Jun Hikasa to a higher standard than what they delivered in Go-on, so that's another reason why it ranks lower to me.) I guess, to put it simply, is that Ninnin ended up feeling like a sorta guilty pleasure. I didn't finish that show with a "Wow! That felt like work to get through!" the way I felt as I got further along with shows like Zyuoh and Kyuranger.
ToQ had a lot of good ideas, it didn't need to be as nothing as it was. Like, I LOVE the idea that they were rebuilding their memories episode by episode, I think that's a cool concept. That's just one thing, but I did like more things about that show and I feel like I'd pop that show in for another chance over something I just don't like like Zyu or Time. Any interesting idea something like Time had was squandered, or needed completely rehauled to work. (And, as I beat into the ground with my Time Force coverage, was usually done better or taken further there.) A lot of Timeranger's ideas were basically there to sound cool; its top priority was the soapy aspect, it had no intention of delivering on any of its sci-fi concepts. I've said many times that I regret not liking Timeranger, since it was the last serious show before the franchise started getting more anime-like, but I just don't like it. ToQ needed to be bolder and not so afraid -- one of its problems is that it's a pretty sugary sweet, sentimental show, but you could tell it was afraid to just go for that and risk being gooey or cheesy, so a lot of the more emotional elements didn't take flight or seemed insincere or detached. I said, it's not outright offensive or anything. But it's just so...meh. I've tried again and again to rewatch that show, knowing that it is its decade's "Generic Sentai" (see: Goggle V, Fiveman, Zyuoh), but it's just really uninvolving. I'll start the show and think through it and be like "Wow, there's not much of a reason to watch this thing, is there?" Like...the characters are freaking angels! There's nowhere to really take them -- yeah, they were n00bs, but still basically infallible. And Gosei Knight's a freakin' drag. The Matrintis are the only decent villains, and robot villains tend to bore me -- but that's how low their competition was.
DeleteI've found that, as time goes on, I've taken a liking to those earlier Sentai shows, not only because of their being in a similar era to my favorites, but also because they weren't only about shilling toys. That's one thing that frustrates me about something like Goseiger -- it's light on plot, it's certainly light on characters, but it still is heavy on pushing the collectibles and whatnot. A lot of shows that are low on my list or have gotten a downgrade are ones that are real toy-heavy, at the expense of everything else. Denjiman might lack an overarching plot, but it's not shoving a toy in your face every minute, and it's focus is on just serving a superheroic adventure.
I'm thinking of rewatching Kyoryuger again (once again lol). I do remember feeling kinda disappointed how during the KyoryuGrey arc, they point out Daigo's weakness, and then never follows up on it, nor really leaves any sort of consequences. So it kinda left me questioning what the point of that arc was. I mean, okay, maybe I'm supposed to just read that arc as how KyoryuGrey is such a meany to them. Which... I guess is okay. KyoryuGrey is kinda my least favorite of the Kyoryugers anyhow, hehe.
DeleteOh I'm sure you thought everything out well. I was just surprised with where Ninnin and ToQ ended up was all lol. Seemed like they came out during a time where you just weren't happy with Sentai (though this is probably just me talking lol).
Man, I've thought about giving ToQ another shot. But the last time I tried... I was left wondering why I wasn't just rewatching a better show instead. Which is too bad, since I know ToQ has kinda become the fan favorite with the current fandom. Which still kinda baffles me and I wish I could join in with that hype. But oh well.
Yeah, ToQ was afraid to take risks. Though that's kinda been my issue overall with post-Kyoryu Sentai. Toei even to this day is so scared about what happened to Go-Busters that they don't want Sentai to ever push things too far. Thus, we never get to see any of the recent ideas truly flourish. Toei is so incompetent that they're stuck between not wanting Sentai to be safe and generic, and not wanting sentai to be ambitious and risk-taking.
I enjoy the 2nd half of Goseiger. The 1st half, not so much. Though the movie inspirations I do find intriguing on paper.
I've always felt Goseiger was just diet-Gingaman. The action in Goseiger I think would be so much cooler if they fought like how the Gingaman did using their Earth powers. Instead of doing the clunky card gimmick thing.
But yeah, I agree with yah on Denjiman. I definitely prefer the focus on super heroics over bandai toys. Again, makes me pretty happy to see this show higher on your list!~
I understand your frustration about what Super Sentai has become nowadays. The toy sales are really the only thing keeping the series alive at the moment. It seems to me that Toei are putting more focus and effort on Kamen Rider, having an eleven year break was what I think helped it become successful, whereas Super Sentai has been airing consistently with no breaks for 40 years straight that maybe it's gotten to that point where it needs to have a break, so it can give them time to think of fresh and interesting new concepts for the series. Like you, I'm more into Sentai than Kamen Rider though I've been on and off with both franchises since 2013. There were moments in Kyoryuger and Kamen Rider Drive that have p****d me off that I just gave up on the genre more or less.
ReplyDeleteDo something like this, but for Kamen Rider? I'm curious.
ReplyDeleteGoes to show how tastes can be so varied. Some series you didn't care for I genuinely liked, including how Go-Busters is my personal favorite (others being Megaranger, Maskman, GoGo V and what little I've seen of Timeranger), and some you hold in high regard I didn't much care for (Jetman, Carranger, Bioman). It's pretty cool to read in detail what you like and dislike about each Sentai.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I absolutely applaud your words on Kyoryuger being the absolute worst, everything you said about it was so accurate and on-point. I mean, I outright hate some Sentai shows (such as Gokaiger and Go-Onger), but Kyoryuger is the one Sentai that I felt was actively insulting my intelligence. Hell, even the kid I babysit, whose favorite Power Rangers season is Dino Charge, actively despises Kyoryuger. It's s good to see others share the opinion that that show's a wreck.
How was Kyoryuger insulting you?
DeleteI would personally rank Zyuranger in the top 20 because the villains were awesome, easily among the best Super Sentai rogues galleries. It's not because they were convincingly brooding or competent though - I like how the production team intentionally made them cartoonishly evil and how the late Soga gave a series of perfect performances as comical antagonist Bandora, with the others also perfectly rounding up the enemy team. The protagonists are decent, I think Seiju Umon was underrated as Goushi, and I was surprised by Boi being played by an actual 15 year old who did some of the stunts himself; he definitely was more convincing than fellow teenager Hirose in Kakuranger (the fact that Ogawa's Sasuke and Kosugi's Jiraiya completely stole the spotlight from the supposed team leader also didn't help her character). And for me, the mecha designs in Zyuranger were among the best in super sentai if you set aside the fact that they're supposed to be ancient deities. It's not without reason that Bandai kept releasing Daizyujin toys and even a Soul of Chogokin set for all 3 big mechas that can do it all - articulation (mainly on Daizyujin), transformation, and combination.
ReplyDeleteAbout to finish Gingaman
ReplyDelete1. Gingaman
ReplyDelete2. Turboranger