Sunday, July 28, 2019

Flashman Episode 21

I already covered this episode here.

Whoo! Easiest blog post ever.

The only thing I really have to add, since I'm now talking about the other episodes, and since it comes after the episode with Sumire, is that I like these back-to-back episodes focusing on the idea and hope of the Flashman finding family members. Both of these scenarios could have easily been twisted into being cliched romance stories, but they're better for avoiding the easy and predictable road. They fit more with the show's premise. And, despite episodes 10 and 14, it's made pretty clear that the Flashman are putting aside the idea of personal lives for the sake of fighting Mess. They won't even let themselves spend free time finding their family!

I also should note that this was the lowest-rated episode of the series, with a 6.2%. I don't get that. I would understand if episode 22 was the lowest, as in this episode freaked out half the audience, so they didn't want to tune in the following week. Ratings are weird. Like, why in the heck is episode 27 the highest rated episode of the show? That's so random.


  1. May your body heal under the solace of the stars Miran

    1. And hope he doesn't develop Anti-Flash!

    2. Maybe if he only spends only one year in there

  2. Body horror does make for some excellent viewing, especially when the designs and make-up are this well produced.

    1. I never thought of this episode as being body horror...that's kinda cool.
