Monday, April 30, 2018

Time For Dawn of Destiny

Fallout from the previous episode, as Frax is on the run from Ransik and the Time Force realize that the medicine created from the serum shouldn't exist in 2001, so they have to destroy it. Wes thinks he can just stroll into Bio Lab and easily grab their supply, but finds an obstacle in Eric and his father. Add to this that Ransik is after Bio Lab's version of the serum and you got some problems. Wes fails to obtain the medicine, and fails to convince either Eric or his dad that there's a danger in keeping it.

So, Ransik basically saves the day by successfully grabbing their supply and solving the problem of Bio Lab's further development of the stuff and how that might effect the future. On the down side, he severely wounds A. Collins. Wes' pop faces off against Ransik, taunting him ("If I knew the serum could help *you*, I'd have poured it down the drain myself.") and then has surprisingly nice words regarding Wes and his independence and courage in fighting Ransik.

Jen started the episode worrying about the possible changes made to the future. (Like Timeranger, a lot of them comes from the greed of Red's dad; the Raimei mecha his company created and now this medicine from the future.) She's right to worry, as Alex shows up in 2001 to leave things on a cliffhanger. It's kinda creepy that he's spent so much of the show watching everything from the shadows in 3000, isn't it? He's even able to keep a close, close eye on Frax. Oh, well. At least his role's not a nonsensical mess like Ryuuya.

1 comment:

  1. ehhh, I have same feeling toward Alex as How you feel about Ryuuya
